
Replace Missing Teeth

Dental Crown and Bridges at Always Smiles Dental Care

At Always Smiles Dental Surgery Bankstown, we specialise in dental crowns and bridge work, offering comprehensive solutions to address your dental needs.

Our friendly, experienced and gentle team of dentists are dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Crown and bridge work involves the placement of fixed prosthetic devices onto existing teeth or implants, restoring both function and aesthetics.

If you’re considering crown or bridgework, our experienced dentist will be happy to discuss your options and address any questions or concerns you may have.

A crown, often referred to as a “cap”, is designed to cover and protect a damaged tooth or placed implant. It serves multiple purposes, including strengthening the tooth against cracking or breaking, improving its appearance, colour, and shape, and even aligning mildly crooked teeth in some cases. In situations where a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, a crown can provide a durable and long-lasting solution to restore both form and function.

Additionally, a dental crown can be placed on top of a dental implant, which is a titanium screw surgically placed in the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. This not only restores the patient’s ability to chew and speak properly but also enhances their smile and overall confidence.

Whether you require a crown to strengthen a damaged tooth or replace a missing one, our skilled team at Always Smiles Dental Surgery in Bankstown and Canley Heights is here to provide expert care and guidance every step of the way.

We may recommend a crown if:

Dental Implants – A Permanent Solution

Dental implants offer a highly effective solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring both function and aesthetics to the smile.

These innovative prosthetic devices consist of titanium screws that are surgically implanted into the jawbone, serving as artificial tooth roots. Once the implants have integrated with the surrounding bone tissue, they provide a sturdy foundation for attaching lifelike artificial teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.

One of the key benefits of dental implants is their ability to mimic the natural function and appearance of real teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, which sit on the gum line or rely on adjacent teeth for support, implants are firmly anchored in the jawbone, offering unparalleled stability and durability. This allows patients to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, knowing that their replacement teeth are securely in place.

Furthermore, dental implants help to preserve bone health and prevent the bone loss that often occurs following tooth loss. By stimulating the surrounding bone tissue, implants encourage natural bone growth and integration, ensuring long-term stability and support for the surrounding teeth.

Whether you’re missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire arch, dental implants can be customized to meet your specific needs. Our experienced dental team at Always Smiles Dental Surgery Canley Heights and Bankstown specializes in dental implant placement, offering personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique circumstances.

If you’re considering dental implants to replace missing teeth and restore your smile, schedule a consultation with us today. Our friendly and knowledgeable team will guide you through the process, answer any questions you may have, and help you achieve the beautiful, functional smile you deserve with dental implants.

Dentures from Always Smiles Dental

If you’re missing one, several, or all of your teeth, you’re not alone, and at Always Smiles Dental Surgery Canley Heights and Bankstown, we’re here to help you find the best solution to restore your smile and improve your quality of life. Our friendly and gentle dentists specialize in providing personalized denture services tailored to each patient’s unique needs and preferences.

Dentures are removable appliances designed to replace missing teeth and restore oral function and aesthetics. They can significantly enhance a patient’s ability to chew, speak, and smile comfortably. At Always Smiles Dental Clinic, we understand the importance of having dentures that not only look natural but also fit comfortably and securely.

Traditionally, dentures have been made from materials such as acrylic or metal. However, advancements in dental technology have introduced newer materials, including flexible and rubbery options that offer improved comfort and aesthetics. These modern materials eliminate the need for unsightly metal hooks commonly used to keep dentures in place, providing a more natural-looking and comfortable fit.

Each denture material has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and our gentle dentists are dedicated to helping you make an informed decision that best meets your needs. We take the time to discuss the various options available, explain the process involved, and ensure that you are comfortable and confident with your decision.

If you’re considering dentures to replace missing teeth and restore your smile, schedule a consultation with us at Always Smiles Dental Surgery. Our compassionate team will guide you through the process, take precise measurements, and create custom-made dentures that fit seamlessly and enhance your oral health and well-being.

Say goodbye to gaps in your smile and hello to a beautiful, functional set of dentures designed just for you.

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